Nexxus would like to facilitate the enrichment of the curriculum in science and biology, and to promote careers in the biorelated fields. This page signposts a number of useful organisations working in the West of Scotland and a variety other interesting resources for teaching, including information on careers.
Technology and Science Alliance (TSA) is a west of Scotland organisation that aims to organise and promote science and engineering activities that will stimulate interest in science and engineering among school pupils. It provides support for science teachers through the organisation of science shows, competitions, presentations by young scientists and engineers and by arranging for scientists and engineers to visit schools.
It is responsible for operating the two SETPOINTS based in the West of Scotland and aims to provide a one-stop-shop for science teachers seeking information about science education activities. It also organises the training of young scientists (mainly University undergraduate and postgraduate students) for Science and Engineering Scheme (SEAS)
There is an advisory group drawn from the four local Universities, the two Science Centres, Careers Scotland and interested local organisations and employers.
The TSA aspires to extend its activities through collaboration with the Universities, FE colleges, the Science Centres, the Association for Science Education and Local Authority Education Departments to provide more direct support for science teachers in the preparation of new materials for teaching, in continuing professional development for teachers and seeking widening participation of school pupils in science and engineering courses in Further and higher Education Please click on the link for further information