The University of Strathclyde has an impressive research portfolio in the area of bioscience. This represents a wealth of expertise capable of helping organisations to meet a variety of scientific, technical and commercial needs. The University can undertake projects from basic, strategic and applied investigations to consultancy and technology transfer programmes.
Types of collaboration available include:
- Consultancy projects
- Access to specialist research facilities
- Research partnerships
- Intellectual property licensing
The University provides a number of benefits for organisations including:
Availability multi-disciplinary expertise research facilities provides you with a flexible cost effective R&D resource.
Specialist research-based knowledge and skills can assist you in meeting your business objectives and creating commercial advantage.
Contract support from dedicated university personnel ensures effective commercial relationships are established.
Bioscience at the University of Strathclyde comprises the:
Strathclyde Institute for Biomedical Sciences (SIBS)
And a number of other related and collaborating departments:
Institute of Photonics
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Bioengineering Unit
Strathclyde Institute for Drug Research (SIDR)
Listed below, in quick, reference format are some of the Universitys main research areas in bioscience.
Analytical chemistry, assay development, anti-microbials, biophotonics, biosensor development, biochemistry, biochemical pharmacology, biomedical electronics, bioremediation, biomedical and pharmaceutical analysis, cardiovascular pharmacology, combinatorial chemistry, clinical trials manufacture for Phase I/II, cytotoxicity testing, drug discovery, drug screening, drug targeting, drug delivery, drug formulation and design, DNA binding drugs, diagnostics, disease models, enzyme inhibitors, epidemiology, fermentation process development, food microbiology and biotechnology, food marketing, flavour/ sensory research, health economics, inflammation, lead optimisation, monoclonal antibody production, membrane technology, natural product sourcing and screening, neuroscience, organic chemistry, opthalmic research, phytochemistry, parasitology, vaccines, waste management.
The areas of research described above represent the activities of a number of University departments and specialist centres including:
Pure and Applied Chemistry, Bioscience and Biotechnology, Strathclyde Institute for Biomedical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physiology and Pharmacology, Immunology, Strathclyde Institute for Drug Research Strathclyde Formulation Research, Bioengineering, Institute of Photonics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Chemical and Process Engineering, Economics, Marketing, Statistics and Modelling Science.
If you would like more information about Bioscience and related research at Strathclyde University then please contact us at the address given below.
The Marketing Manager
Research & Consultancy Services
University of Strathclyde
50 George Street
Glasgow G1 1QE