The Faculty of Health at Glasgow Caledonian University is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the UK for professions allied to medicine. Its six academic departments embrace the disciplines of nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, radiography, psychology, biological sciences, nutrition and dietetics, optometry, orthoptics, dispensing optics, social sciences and social work. This wide range of disciplines provides a unique and stimulating environment for the cross-fertilisation of research ideas. The six departments are:
The Faculty's research effort is carried out by staff who are at the forefront of developments in their disciplines and spans a wide spectrum ranging from cutting edge biotechnology through to the development of healthcare strategies. The Faculty of Health hosts the academic centre for Nursing Research Initiative for Scotland (NRIS). The NRIS is funded by the Scottish Executive, Chief Scientist Office and was set up in 1994 to provide a focus within Scotland for direct patient care research.
The Faculty believes in practising what it teaches and operates two busy clinics. The Podiatry Clinic is a modern, state-of-the-art clinical facility located at the South Glasgow University Hospital and includes a full day theatre complex for nail and skin surgical techniques. The clinic consists of a main clinical area; Gait analysis laboratory; Biomechanics and orthotic casting area; Orthotic and prosthetic suite; Operating theatre suite and Resource room. A new Eye Clinic is also operated by the Faculty on the University campus. It is an outstanding facility, providing the latest state-of-the-art equipment in a modern, professional environment. In addition to essential clinical experience both clinics also provide ample scope for research while also serving the needs of the local community.