- One of largest Medical Schools in Europe. A new £14M Medical School facility has been recently been opened
- The Institute of Biomedical & Life Sciences
- Dental Hospital
- An internationally renowned Vet School - one of only 5 in UK. One of only three Veterinary Schools in Europe to gain the prized American Veterinary Medicine Association accreditation.
- Strathclyde Institute for Biomedical Sciences
- Strathclyde Institute for Drug Research
- Centre for Biophotonics
- Top ten position for patent income of universities world-wide.
Collaboration between Glasgow and Strathclyde has resulted in the formation of PharmaLinks which was established to market the combined biomedical strengths of the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde. Through PharmaLinks, the pharmaceutical industry has one-stop access to a wealth of new ideas for therapeutic targets, drug candidates and drug delivery. Other collaborative ventures include the Centre for Bio-Photonics. www.pharmalinks.org
- The largest Faculty of Health in Europe
- World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Nursing, Midwifery Education, Research and Practice.
- Scotlands only depart of Vision Sciences
- Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
- School Nursing, Midwifery & Health Care
- Division of Biological Sciences
The Scottish Colleges Biotechnology Consortium (SCBC) comprises Bell College and Falkirk, Fife and James Watt Colleges of Further and Higher Education. All four members have state-of the-art biotechnology training centres. With access to European funding, SCBC is able to offer up to 65% subsidies on the development and delivery of all training programmes for biotechnology companies. http://www.scottishbiotech.org
- Hannah Biomedical
- CHARIS Food Research
- World renowned Beatson Institute for Cancer Research
- One of the largest cancer research groups in Europe
- Medical Oncology