Research in the School of Pharmacy is organised into six main interdepartmental groups:
Drug Delivery and Formulation, Biomedicinal Chemistry, Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Cell Pharmacology, Molecular Signalling and Pharmaceutical Care, with several inter-group collaborations.
Research areas include:
- Antiparasitic Therapeutics
- Chemotherapy
- Drug Delivery and Formulation
- Inflammation
- Pharmaceutical and Biomedicinal Chemistry
- Pharmacy Practice
- Phytochemistry
- Ocular drug delivery and physiology
- Neurodegenerative disorders
- Asthma
- Programmed cell death
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system
Three other research groups, which have strong industrial links are, the Cancer Research Campaign Formulation Unit, the Centre for Biophotonics and the Strathclyde Institute for Drug Research (SIDR). The first of these has been in existence for over 10 years and is wholly funded by the Cancer Research Campaign. The recently established Centre for Biophotonics supports interdisciplinary research at the interface between biomedical science and the physical sciences. These groupings are unique within the United Kingdom University Sector and draw heavily on the Schools expertise in the formulation and production of small volume parenteral products and the testing of the effects of such products.
The School has extensive links to other Universities and Institutions on a local, national and international basis. The School of Pharmacy has collaborative ventures with a number of major pharmaceutical companies in the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States. On an international level the Phytochemistry Group has research links on all of the five continents.
Several commercial ventures have arisen as a direct result of the research activity within the School of Pharmacy.
CrystallografX Limited
ProPharma Limited
Bio-Images Research Limited
Drug Discovery Limited
For further information please contact:
The School of Pharmacy
Strathclyde Institute for Biomedical Sciences
The John Arbuthnott Building
Strathclyde University
27 Taylor Street
Glasgow G4 0NR