The breadth of expertise and depth of focus within the two universities is formidable. The University of Glasgows strengths in the molecular and cellular biosciences and clinical medicine are complemented by the University of Strathclydes expertise in pharmacy, pharmacology and the Strathclyde Institute for Drug Research (SIDR). Strong working ties exist between university scientists, the medical faculty and the major hospitals, resulting in fundamental research being driven by knowledge of medical needs. This strong network of experienced professionals means that clinical trials can form an integral part of research programmes. PharmaLinks can therefore effectively facilitate the full process from drug discovery through to drug delivery, tailored to the specific requirements of clients.
The combined research capability of PharmaLinks delivers the pharmaceutical industry with fast, interdisciplinary solutions to time-consuming, critical research problems. In medical and pharmaceutical investigation, PharmaLinks offers an extensive range of excellent resources for outsourcing a wide scope of pharmaceutical research, which would be difficult for any single group to undertake. The larger critical mass for interdisciplinary collaborative research enables a more flexible, rapid and total response to industry needs.