The mission for CHARIS Food Research is:
To provide underpinning research in science and technology for the development of high-quality, novel, healthy and safe food products. To provide high-quality research and development services to CHARIS Innovative Food Services Ltd.
The overarching programme within CHARIS Food Research will develop science and technology platforms for exploitation by the food and beverage industries in close association with CHARIS Innovative Food Services Ltd.Such research will lead to the development of new and improved methods of manufacture of traditional products and new products with improved functionality.
The topics selected:
- Address problems of current interest to the food and drink industry
- Are based on a novel approach or approaches that embody the best features of current scientific or technological practice. In particular, the projects chosen are based on background intellectual property or on IP likely to flow from the results of the proposed research
- Capitalise on the synergy following the amalgamation of the resources at HRI and SAC.
Following initial consultations with industry, four major areas of investigation have been launched:
- Control of texture and mouth feel of food
- Understanding the behaviour of protein stabilised emulsions
- Exploring amino acid catabolism in food
- Flavour formation using natural fermentation
For up-to-date information please contact George Savage, Business Development Manager at