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Holiday Inn Bloomsbury, London
With the ever-expanding therapeutic market, research and development is fundamental for improving current treatments and the design of protein based drugs of the future. With the variety of protein expression systems rapidly evolving, there is more pressure to harvest larger, purer quantities of product. Furthermore, a vast number of biomarker discovery studies have recently been embarked upon, requiring new, more efficient methods to identify and analyse proteins involved in disease populations with the aim to lead to novel diagnostic tools and treatments.
SMis Global Protein Summit, 2006 will be an excellent opportunity to hear about the latest developments from world leaders, bringing together expertise in effective protein expression, purification, identification and functional analysis and how to overcome the common and not so common pitfalls. Discussing research and manufacturing activities in both academia and industry, this unique opportunity will provide genuine opportunities of networking. A must attend event for all those involved in protein research and production.
Hear contributions from:
- Dr Scott Patterson, Senior Director, Medical Sciences, Amgen Inc
- Dr Zhijian Lu, Assistant Director, Biotherapeutics Expression & Purification, Wyeth
- Dr Stephen Irving, Senior Principal Scientist, Pfizer
- Dr Joey M. Studts, Principal Scientist & Head, Protein Resources, Boehringer-Ingelheim
- Dr Thierry Battle, Biotechnology Services Manager, Serono Pharmaceutical Research Institute
- Dr Tauseef Butt, President, Life Sensors
- Dr Robert Wynands, Director, Structural Biology, Takeda San Diego
- Dr Alex Breeze, Head, NMR Structural Biology, AstraZeneca
- Dr Michael Dyson, Project Leader, Protein Expression, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
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