Many exciting new nanotechnolgies are being incorporated into textiles for fashion and industrial applications. These range from embedded scents, stay-clean fabrics and fabrics with antibacterial action, to extra-strong fabrics that are even able to withstand the impact of a bullet.
As part of the 'peace dividend' from military research, many new textiles are also being developed, from those that promote faster healing of patients recovering from surgical procedures to fabrics that enhance health and well being in the ageing population.
Some nano-enabled new textiles are able to communicate with each other, and even transmit information on physical stresses and strains. Others can use the latest technology to exude insect repellants or pharmacological or other therapies on demand.
One of the interesting themes of this conference will be to explore the 'fashion paradox' - how nanotechnology can support fashion while addressing concerns for sustainability and the reduction of waste.